أمين عام البيئة يلتقي وفدا نيجيريا إنشاء نظام موحد لربط مخرجات التعليم بسوق العمل جامعة مؤتة ووفد عُماني يبحثان تعزيز العلاقات الأكاديمية بورصة عمان تغلق تداولاتها على ارتفاع اختتام الدورة الصحفية الشاملة في بترا "الدراسات الاستراتيجية" يستضيف مؤتمر "الطريق إلى شومان" البريد و"مايلرز العالمية" يوقعان عقد إدارة وتشغيل لتقديم خدمات الفرز والتوزيع انطلاق المؤتمر السادس للتعليم الدامج وتمكين ذوي الإعاقة الذكرى الثلاثون لوفاة الملكة زين الشرف مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد.. العيسوي يعزي قبيلة بني حميدة رئيس الديوان الملكي يلتقي وفدين من رابطة الفنانين التشكيليين والتقدم الأكاديمي التربوي مسّاد يرعى افتتاح اليوم العلمي لكلية الصيدلة بعنوان "جسور علمية بين المهن الطبية" "إعلام اليرموك" تنظم ورشتين تدريبيتين حول "تدقيق المعلومات" "اليرموك" تحدد 28 أيار القادم موعدا لانتخابات إتحاد الطلبة رئيس جامعة جدارا يشارك في اجتماع مجلس المسؤولية المجتمعية للجامعات العربية

القسم : محلي - أخبار الاردن
تاريخ النشر : 21/11/2022 4:12:18 AM
Al Marashdh: Royal Visions is an approach followed by a wall university, with steady steps towards excellence and creativity
Al Marashdh: Royal Visions is an approach followed by a wall university, with steady steps towards excellence and creativity

Alraqeb international news

His Excellency, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Jadara University, Dr. Shukri Al-Marashdh, said that the advancement and upgrading of the higher education sector in Jordan to be in line with the human needs and aspirations of society, is a national responsibility that rests with public and private universities.

Dr. Al-Marashdh added, during a visit to the university by the head and members of the Future Bloc to contest the elections of the Irbid Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, that the lofty royal visions for the development of the higher education sector is an approach that it follows with a steady pace towards excellence and creativity.

Al-Marashdh referred to the establishment and establishment of the university, its stages of development, its most prominent specializations in bachelor's, higher diploma and master's programs, and the discounts it offers to students.

He indicated also that the university is constantly working on modernizing and developing its educational environment, infrastructure and various service facilities to provide all forms of amenities for its students.

Al-Marashdh praised the efforts of the university presidency, represented by His Excellency Prof. Dr. Mohammad Talib Obeidat, to improve the university at all levels.

He stressed that the university is currently working on opening new majors in the bachelor's and master's programs, which will be announced soon after the completion of the procedures for their approval.

Further, he indicated that the number of university students reached about 5,600 students at the beginning of the current academic year, distributed among various colleges, pointing out that the student transport fleet has been reinforced with new modern buses, bringing the total number to 85 buses covering most regions of the Kingdom.

He stressed the importance of the commercial sector in Irbid governorate with all its components and its role in supporting the national economy through the establishment of various investments and the real job opportunities it provides to reduce unemployment.

Al-Marashdh expressed his support for the commercial sector by offering special discounts to the sons and daughters of members of the General Authority of the Irbid Chamber of Commerce who wish to enroll in university studies in the future.
During the visit, the delegation was briefed on a number of the university's service facilities, including the Arena hall, the university's medical clinic, and the new building project, which is still under construction, with an area of 9,000 square meters, including a cafeteria with an area of 1,800 square meters.

For their part, the head and members of the bloc praised the great level that Jadara has reached and its good reputation in the field of university education.

 They expressed their deep thanks and appreciation to Dr. Al-Marashdh and the university family for the warm reception they felt and the opportunity for them to see closely this pioneering educational edifice in the field of higher education.

On the sidelines of the visit, the bloc presented to Al-Murashdh the most prominent axes of its electoral program for the Irbid Chamber of Commerce elections.

It is noteworthy that the visiting delegation included the head of the bloc, Zaid Al-Shugairat, and the members: Musa Al-Saadi, Ahmed Salem Bani Hani, Adnan Al-Afouri, Muhammad Al-Omari, Faisal Abu Dhan, Raafat Al-Quraan, and Muhammad Sheikh Akrim.
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